Photo Editor Software

Photo Editor

Photo Editor Software Package><br>
				<font face=Photo Editor Software Package

This Photo Editor will run on all Windows systems: 98, ME, XP, VISTA, 7 & 8

Editor Features

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A Photo Editor is an essential piece of software for just about anyone in today's digital world. But the question is: How to choose which photo editor is right for you?.

There are many photo editors on the market and are available in stores or on the internet, ranging in price from $20 to $1,000.

If you are a very serious graphics person and wish to be able to take people out of pictures and add them to a different photo, or create very unique promotional or sales material, then you need an expensive piece of software like Adobe Photo Shop, where you can truly manipulate everything in an image. This kind of software is not really a photo editor, but a graphical design software package intended for creating rather than editing.

If you are a professional photographer or a home user who likes taking pictures of your family, you need a photo editor that will allow you to:
  • Quickly and easily crop, fix and print your photos.
  • Crop, fix and archive for printing later
  • Scan old photos and easily fix and save them to your hard drive
  • Create a photo album to share on CD-ROM or upload to your website
  • Print a nice birthday card
  • Remove Red-Eye
  • Rename a bunch of photos easily
  • Add text to a photo
  • Quickly fix a photo that is too dark or too light
  • Many Batch operataions (automatically doing the same thing on many photos at once) like:
    • Batch Printing
    • Batch Editing
    • Batch Cropping
    • Batch Convert formats or JPG Compress
    • Batch Resize
    • And many more batch operations

What PhotoELF users are saying, is that PhotoELF solves 99% of their photo editor needs. See what they are saying on facebook: Photo Editor on Facebook

Many people have purchased 3, 4 or 5 different software packages and only have 50% of their photo editor needs being met. Then they discover PhotoELF and realize this one software package does it all.

PhotoELF is free to use for 30 days and is 100% fully functional. Download and try it out. If you don't like it, uninstall it. But if you do, it only costs $29.99 to purchase.

Here is a screen shot of this photo editor displaying the Batch Crop Edit feature. This feature can be run automatically or sequentially where it loads one photo at a time for you. You edit the photo: Crop, Gamma Fix, Color, Contrast, or Rotate to any degree and then 1 click of a button and it is saved and the next image automatically loaded for you. This feature makes editing a lot of photos very simple and fast.

Many professionals have found this editor to be extremely helpful when dealing with hundreds of photos that all need to be cropped to a specific head size to portrait ratio, using the head position cropping feature. See: Crop Head Position Tool

photo editor

Main Program is the launching point to View, Edit and Print Photos
photo editor main program window

Photo Editor Screen Image:
photo editor screen shot

Photo Print Page Layout Window:
photo printing screen shot

Photo Printing - Add Text and images to page:
photo printing layout

Photo Editor Masks:
Add masks to photos

Photo Editor Calendars:
Use photo editor to create calendars

Download the Free Photo Editor Today.
It's 100% Fully Functional